7 Reasons Mandatory Important Dates When Iftar Dinner ~ Cozytv

7 Reasons Mandatory Important Dates When Iftar Dinner

Do you know if in Arabic, Dates known Tamr. This kind of palm tree has fruit which is very popular almost all over the world. Tree height of about 15-25 meters, with a variety of fruit color

Forms of dates also vary, there are oval and some are rounded. As for colors, there are yellow, brown, brown, dark red or golden yellow. Everything was delicious and everything is beneficial. Actually antiquity, these dates serve as a staple food. Perhaps even until now there were made of palm as staple food. Because of dates has many essential nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, water, vitamin C and manganese. 100 grams of fresh dates contain 230 kcal of energy, so it is always presented as the opening of fasting. The goal is one, so that the stomach is not surprised after so many hours of fasting and iftar meals can receive more comfortably. Well, besides that of course there are seven other reasons as opening dates have been fasting. Listen yuk. 1. Rich in vitamin K and vitamin B that can help increase metabolism in the body. Dates also plays an important role in blood clotting and bone metabolism. 2. Dates are used as the main food by the Arab Bedouin. Trust, if the dates consumed regularly will help reduce the potential for developing cancer and heart disease. 3. Dates contain iron that can help the circulation of oxygen in the blood. 4. Dates are very rich in fiber so that it is also effective to absorb bad cholesterol in the gut. Fibers from these dates helps protect the intestinal mucous membrane and reduce exposure to chemicals that are harmful to the colon. 5. The content of vitamins in the palm quite diverse, among which are Vitamin C and vitamin A. 6. Dates are foods that are laxatives, which can smooth bowel movement and prevent constipation. 7. Dates contain antioxidants called Tanin. This substance also is an anti-infective, anti imflamasi and anti-hemorrhagic. So, from now on you should not hesitate to add dates in the iftar menu you yes!
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