Google Want " Annihilate " ISIS ~ Cozytv

Google Want " Annihilate " ISIS

Google wants to remove traces of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) from the internet. The technology giant also reportedly is developing tools to identify and remove social media accounts associated with ISIS automatically.

"They (ISIS) operates on a different network from the internet that we use. It seems, locked in dark ISIS web can be done," said Jared Cohen, Director of Google Ideas, cited KompasTekno of Wired, Thursday (01/21/2016).

Dark Web is accessing content on the internet that requires software, configuration, or special permission. Contents in it can not be indexed by search engines, such as Google.

According to Cohen, the extremists should know that doing propaganda on the Internet are also at risk, can not be done freely.

By making content-related content ISIS to dark web, propaganda spread can not be spread freely.

In fact, Cohen had a desire for social media account faster ISIS as far as possible removed before the operation so that complicates their communication with recruiters.

The Government of Indonesia in April 2015 and has blocked a number of websites containing the teachings of radical and terrorism-related content.

In early January, Kemenkominfo also announced that it has blocked several social media accounts and 11 charged radical websites.

Until the end of 2015, a total of 78 video radicalism which claimed Kemenkominfo ISIS has been cleared from the internet.

To support the handling of the accounts of radicals that are still running on the internet, Kemenkominfo expect public participation to report to the Ministry of Communication via e-mail the address at
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