HIV (Human Immuno-Devesiensi) is a virus that only live in the human body, which can damage the human immune power.
AIDS (Acguired Immuno-Deviensi Syndromer) is a collection of symptoms decrease in symptoms of immune system to attack the disease from outside.

People who have contracted the AIDS virus will become carriers and transmitters of AIDS during his life, although do not feel sick and look healthy. AIDS is also said to be a disease that is dangerous because until now there is no cure or vaccine that can prevent the AIDS virus. In addition, people infected with the AIDS virus will experience mental stress and agony because most of the people around him will isolate or away from it. And the suffering it will increase again due to the high cost of treatment. AIDS is another danger is the decline in the immune system. So the disease is usually not harmful will cause illness or even death.

Symptoms of AIDS
Since the first person infected with the HIV virus, the virus will live in his body, but the person does not show symptoms of the disease but look how healthy, active, productive as usual. Because the symptoms of AIDS appear after + 3 months. The symptoms of AIDS itself is:
Weight dropped drastically.
Prolonged fever (more than 38 0C)
Enlargement of the gland (the neck), diketiak, and groin) arising without cause.
Diarrhea or diarrhea are prolonged.
The emergence of bluish red blotches on the skin (skin cancer or sarcoma SARKOM).
Shortness of breath and persistent coughing.
Sores that do not heal.
All of it is the symptoms that can be seen in people with AIDS, which eventually will end in death.

Previous AIDS virus is not easily transmitted influenza virus. We do not Usak too alienating or away from AIDS, because AIDS will not be transmitted by the way - the way as below:
Living with AIDS (originally not having sexual intercourse).
Brushed or shaking hands with an infected person.
Contact with clothing and other used goods AIDS patients.
Eat and drink.
Mosquito and other insect bites.
Equally swim in the pool
Things above not cause the spread of AIDS can occur through the following ways:
sexual intercourse with someone who has HIV
Blood transfusions containing HIV virus
Through syringes, acupuncture, tattooing, and piercing tools are already in use people who suffer from AIDS virus
Prenatal relationship, namely the transfer of the virus from pregnant women who suffer from the AIDS virus to the fetus.

Those who frequent sexual intercourse outside marriage, such as female and male prostitutes and their clients.
Those who have stout sexual partners, for example: Homo sex (intercourse with other men), Bisexual (have sexual relations with other women), Sex and pimps.
Blood transfusion recipients
Babies born to mothers suffering from AIDS virus.
Injection drug addicts.
Couple of people with AIDS
Avoid sexual relations outside marriage. Try to relate only to one sexual partner, do not relate to others.
Use condoms to high risk when having sexual intercourse.
A mother whose blood has been examined and found to contain a virus, should not become pregnant. Because it will move the AIDS virus to her fetus.
High-risk groups recommended for becoming a blood donor.
The use of needles and other tools (acupuncture, tattoos, piercing) must be guaranteed sterilisasinya.
The efforts that can be made by the government in an attempt to prevent the transmission of AIDS, namely, for example: giving counseling or information to the people about all some thing related to AIDS, namely through seminars open, through the distribution of brochures or posters associated with AIDS, or through advertisements in various mass media both print and media elektronik.penyuluhan or information carried out continuously and sustainably, to all levels of society, so that people can know the dangers seluarh AIDS, so tried to escape from everything that could virus causing AIDS.

Efforts undertaken infected with the AIDS virus called also the implementation of new treatment strategies. In the treatment of HIV / AIDS is very important to know the dynamics of HIV, as well as the course of the disease (pathogenesis) so that it can take action and timely treatment.
Some of hope and good news can be noted from the meetings "Van Couver" in Canada today is pretty much an effective anti-HIV drugs for the treatment of the combination. Several protease inhibitors and anti-HIV drugs currently in the final stages to obtain permission. In addition there are also checks "Viral loard" the process is easier to detect RNA of HIV in the blood. And all the above efforts should in tunjang by the motivation of AIDS itself. For example for those who belong to a group at high risk of AIDS always check their blood regularly, at least 3-6 months, for the safety of their sexual partners. And no less important is to get closer to God Almighty. Namely to carry out acts of worship are ordered and tried to stay away from all that the prohibition, so that the suffering is felt not too heavy. And for the people should not avoid alienating those infected with AIDS, but it should give a boost or spirit of life, for example through the advice that bisamenumbuhkan confidence, so that those who have the AIDS virus do not despair in living his life.
With the above efforts, undoubtedly AIDS problem can be solved, at least not be prevented as early as possible, especially if there is participation of all parties.
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