How to know Heart Disease and How to Prevent ??? ~ Cozytv

How to know Heart Disease and How to Prevent ???

Symptoms of heart disease can occur at any time. Basically this disease can be prevented early on. But for more details, you should know beforehand what are the symptoms or characteristics of heart disease that could threaten your safety. And if later you feel or experience some of the symptoms that we will discuss in this article, immediately to be consulted to the doctor to find out whether the symptoms are really symptoms of heart disease or not.

And the following is ciri2 heart disease that is usually caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, lack of exercise, or too often stress:

Feel pain in chest

Pain in the chest that is meant here is not just a term commonly used by those "troubled." The people with heart disease usually is going to feel the symptoms of pain in the chest that be an early sign of someone with heart disease. However, it is still unclear whether the chest pain that you feel is caused by blockage of an artery or even symptoms of other diseases. Therefore we encourage you to consult the problem is the weak of heart disease symptoms to the doctor. If not treated immediately and increasingly severe, this condition will make the patient's body becomes increasingly weak and numb. Dangerous, is not it?

Feel Headaches

Perhaps if you are not observant ciri2 addressing heart disease, you will find that the headache symptoms are common symptoms that may be unusual encounter. But it turns out the symptoms of headaches suffered by heart disease can occur when the patient exposed to a beam of light. What is the effect on the heart? When you're exposed to the light beam, then the heart will be affected to beat faster than normal. American Academy of Neurology says that headaches are felt by people with heart disease occurs because of the blood circulation irregularities. Well, for those of you who serinng impaired vision and also frequent migraines, you may need to check yourself. Perhaps it was the forerunner of the symptoms of heart disease is weak.

Easy Feeling Tired

Ciri2 subsequent heart disease is the patient would be very easy to feel fatigue although not heavy activity. Or if you also feel tired when you wake up when you're supposed to feel fresh, you should immediately consult your doctor to determine if the symptoms are dangerous or not for yourself and whether these symptoms including symptoms of heart disease or not.


A normal person would normally sweat while exercising, doing strenuous activities or were in hot areas. But you should be aware of heart disease ciri2 this one, especially if you sweat though not perform any activity. It may indicate a heart problem you are having.

Feel sick

Heart disease at the beginning usually also provide signs or symptoms with a swelling of the abdomen that makes people would feel nausea and vomiting that is not fair. In fact, heart disease patients usually start to feel these symptoms would be reduced napsu eating. And if the lack of appetite continues to be followed, it is no wonder if a new disease will arise which will further undermine the health of the patient.

Complaints Pain in Specific Body Parts

Ciri2 peyakit symptoms or other heart is sometimes patients feel pain in certain body parts. Especially for women, they will usually feel pain or pain in his right hand and his left arm. As for the men will usually feel on his left arm. The pain can also be felt by patients with heart disease in other parts of the body such as the shoulders, neck, elbows, backs that can be felt and sometimes disappear by itself. What causes the pain? If the pain that you feel is really the symptoms of heart disease, the pain or the pain caused by clogged arteries because the heart is impaired.

Often Feeling Anxious

Among beerapa ciri2 heart disease already described earlier, this is probably the one most often considered normal. These symptoms may even be regarded as ordinary ordinary anxiety that may be caused by mental or psychological disorders. But when the heart is experiencing problems, the heart will experience tension and can make people feel anxious or frightened. However, excessive anxiety is what actually can also 

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