Ford Motor Indonesia (FMI) issued an official statement that surprising at the beginning of 2016. In an official statement to consumers released on Monday (1/25/2016), FMI states ceased all operations in the country.
Release the hand marked FMI Managing Director Bagus Susanto also explained all Ford dealers under the auspices of the FMI will be closed and the sales process as well as official imports will be halted in the second half of 2016.
FMI following official statement:
"Today we have announced a difficult business decision to withdraw from all our operations in Indonesia in the second half of the year. This includes closing the Ford dealership and stop the sale and import of all vehicles Ford official.
We want to make sure that you can continue to visit the Ford dealer for all service support sales, service, and warranty until some time next year. We are committed to providing continuity of service and warranty service support after our departure and will contact you again before the replacement process to inform about the new arrangements.
We thank you for your interest, support, and loyalty to the Ford brand. And we will continue to communicate developments through this website in through this transition phase.
If you have any questions, please contact our Customer Service at Ford 0807-1-90-9000.
Best regards,
Bagus Susanto
Managing Director,
Ford Motor Indonesia "