Explosion Occurs When the rescue process, 36 People Killed in Coal Mine ~ Cozytv

Explosion Occurs When the rescue process, 36 People Killed in Coal Mine


Russian government officials said the victims were killed in a mine explosion in northern Russia, Sunday (02/28/2016) increases up to 36 people.

It said the blast was an accident in the rescue efforts of the 26 miners who were missing since three days ago.

As reported by RIA Novosti news agency, quoted by CNN, the incident also resulted in a five-member rescue team were killed.

Related to this, Russian Emergencies Minister Vladimir Puchkov revealed no other possibility for the 26 miners trapped for survivors.

Dozens of miners were trapped since last Thursday, at the Severnaya coal mine, in the city of Vorkuta.

Day of mourning for three days was already stipulated in force in the Republic of Komi, which is a region of icy northern Russia, where the mine is located.

This accident came from two explosions that occurred at a depth of 780 meters in the mine on Thursday.

The incident led to dozens of workers trapped in the bowels of the earth. Related officials suspect the explosion caused the leaking of methane gas.

Four miners were confirmed dead, while 81 others rescued from underground. But there are still 26 miners missing in the incident.

On Sunday morning, a third explosion occurred when a rescue team was working. The explosion that killed five rescue workers and the miners again. So there are 10 workers killed, plus another 26 who now declared dead.

Puchkov sure, the explosion did occur in the area where the 26 trapped workers. High temperatures and lack of oxygen in the area that causes no more possibility of survivors.

On that occasion, Puchkov expressed appreciation of the rescue forces were killed in action.

"They have to work in conditions that are very complicated, and has shown courage, heroism and extraordinary skill level," Puchkov said.

Read: Mine explosion in northern Russia, 6 Killed
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